Let’s bring joy and inspiration to your big day!
Thanks for spending some time looking through my work!
My passion for weddings strengthens with every every couple I photograph. Many weddings later I’ve learned that feeling a warmth and closeness with my couples is the secret to an incredible experience and its memories.
I love what I do and believe that getting to know one other is an important part of the work. I want to hear about everything that will make your day perfect. How did you meet? When and where will you say YES? Will You run off or will you have hundreds of loved ones joining? Is there a special significance for you about the way or place it’s all happening? The dress, the cake, tell me about it all!
If you don’t hear back from me in 24 hours, make sure your spam folder hasn’t eaten my response as a snack.
Tamara - Fantastiska bilder.
Mvh Tamara
Bröllopsfotograf | Vintage och Cymbaler - […] fick vi se några av bilderna som vår härliga fotograf Anna Lauridsen (http://annalauridsen.com/real_weddings/) tog på oss i Gamla stan förra veckan när vi var ute och provfotade i några olika miljöer. Då […]
Bröllop Höganäs Saluhall Kullabygden » Bröllopsfotograf Skåne, Wedding photographer Sweden - […] REAL WEDDINGS […]
Bröllop Örenäs slott och Glumslövs kyrka » Bröllopsfotograf Skåne, Wedding photographer Sweden - […] REAL WEDDINGS […]
Louise Henriksson - Hej,
Jag hittade precis din sidan och wow vilka fina bilder du tar!
Jag ska gifta mig den 3 augusti nästa år i Örebro och undrar om du vill skicka en prislista?
Tack så länge,
Louise & Niclas